Dr. Sana Younas
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr. Sana Younas is a consultant dermatologist practicing at Surgimed Hospital Gulberg Lahore. She is specialized in treating and managing hair problems, acne scars, skin problems and hair fall. She has more than 10 years of experience in this field. She completed her MBBS from Fatima Jinnah Medical University and FCPS in Dermatology from College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to book an appointment with Dr. Sana Younas?
Call at +92 301 4726556.
How many years of experience does Dr. Sana Younas have?
Dr. Sana Younas has more than 10 years of experience.
What is the education of Dr. Sana Younas?
Dr. Sana Younas has the following degrees: MBBS, FCPS (Dermatology)
What is Dr. Sana Younas's speciality & area of expertise?
Dr. Sana Younas is specialist Consultant Dermatologist in Lahore, Pakistan. His area of expertise include Hair Problems, Acne Scars, Skin Problems, Hair fall
What is the fee of Dr. Sana Younas?
Dr. Sana Younas charges Rs. 2,000 for consultation