Acne Treatment in Lahore
“My skin looks so much better than it has in years and I am thrilled!”
Receive the professional care your skin deserves and get rid of acne treatment in Lahore and Sialkot for good with one of Pakistan’s leading dermatologist and skincare expert, Dr. Sana Younas.
Acne not only affects adolescents but is also very common in adults – particularly women. Most commonly, acne causes issues when skin pores become clogged as a result of the build-up of oil, dead skin or bacteria. A usual cause of this is the hormonal imbalance that occurs during puberty, pregnancy or the menstrual cycle. Stress and genetics may also be contributing factors.
Of the most common types of acne, patients usually complain about:
• Whiteheads – Also known as closed comedones, which occur when a pore is clogged with sebum, dead skin cells, and debris.
• Blackheads – These are open comedones, i.e. open plugged pores with a black appearance.
• Papules – These are small, red bumps swollen from inflammation.
• Pustules – These are similar to papules but are pus-filled and appear as white bumps surrounded by red skin.
• Nodules – This is a severe form of acne where large, hard bumps form deep within the skin. They can match your skin tone.
• Cysts – These are similar to nodules but these lumps are pus-filled. This is also a severe form of acne.
The reality is, there is no singular “antidote” that cures acne. Because everyone’s skin is different and acne affects everyone uniquely, acne has to be treated on a case-by-case basis. The good news is that there is now a multitude of treatment options to choose from, with each of these having a proven track record.
The symptoms of acne range from mild and moderate to severe, depending on if there are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and/or cysts present. Scarring is also a sign of severe acne. This information, coupled with your skin type, medical history, and personal preference will determine the treatment option(s) that best suits your situation.
Treatments include, but are not limited to, oral medications, lifestyle changes, a personalized skincare routine, light therapy, laser treatment for acne and more.
While acne products are not dangerous per se, they are usually ineffective if used without professional guidance and oftentimes make your acne worse. The most common over-the-counter acne treatments include Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, and Sulfur, all of which have negative side effects that need to be considered and understood before acne treatment in Lahore.
Without the guidance of a skincare expert, you are putting yourself at serious risk for worsening your condition. This is because everyone’s skin is different and you need the advice of a professional dermatologist before using products with known side effects.
Dr. Sana is an experienced and qualified dermatologist in Lahore who has helped numerous patients overcome acne. She understands how shattering acne can be to one’s self-confidence and the toll it may take, both physically and emotionally to your health. Moreover, you may be hesitant or afraid to go through the process of treatment. As a professional skin expert and experienced dermatolist, she’ll be there for you every step of the way.
When you come for a consultation, Dr. Sana will thoroughly examine your skin and the type of acne you may have. Once she has conducted her preliminary assessment, she will be able to suggest a treatment plan that can work for you.
As mentioned earlier, acne treatment in Lahore depends on various factors. Dr. Sana will provide you with the best course of treatments and home care treatment programs depending on your circumstances and will be committed to working with you to help you regain your beauty and confidence. You will also receive Dr. Sana’s professional guidance on factors that may be contributing to acne, such as your diet and the type of skincare products that are suitable for your skin.